Friday, February 24, 2012

Thing 5.1

The information in this thing is very helpful because it tells you exactly what to do in case anything goes wrong with your computer.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Get Organized: 25 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

"Organization and productivity go hand-in-hand. It's hard to have one without the other."
I agree with this statement because if you stay organized with things they will be easier to do and keep track of. The same with being productuive, if you stay productive while doing something, you will get it done much faster and much quicker.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Thing 4.2

This thing will be of use to me because it helps me oragnaize things and keep track of them. It also helps my develop my thought process.

Thing 4.1

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thing 3.4

If people were to judge me based on my online history I would be completely ok with that. What I say and do online represents who I am and is the exact same way I act in person. I do not believe in using the internet to be rude, distastful, or anything along those lines.

Thing 3.3


2. November 24th, 2002, when it was started.

3. It affects what I do online because it can show anyone what I've done or said, even if it's been deleted, since I first used the website.

4. They check online behavior so they can see what kind of person you are/were and see if you are the right person for what they want.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thing 3.2

Thi website may be of use to people because it keeps track of all the sites on the internet that have their footprint. Personally I do not think I will use this website on my own because I don't have much use for it.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thing 2.2

The information I learned from Delicious will help me always have access to websites that I may forget the name of.

Thing 2.1

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thing 1.5

I would use this site. I think this site is very helpful and cuts some time out of trying to find a name that is available.

Password Safe:
I would also use this site. This site would make it easy for me to keep all my passwords safe and in one place. Then I would never have to worry about forgetting a passwprd or having someone figure it out again.

Shortcuts to Know:
In Shortcuts to Know I learned the shortcuts for useful things like copy and paste, undo, cut, redo, hyperlink and print. These shortcuts make things much easier and I will definitely use them in the future.

Thing 1.4

Screenshots are very useful because you can capture the importance of what you are doing or something important you need to remember, and then save them for later or post them somewhere. Screenshots will be useful to me in the future because I will be able to save any important document I will need. It will aslo help me in this cimputer class and in any others I shall take.

Domain Names:
I learned that a domain name is what you type in the browsers address bar, and that it is the websites online identity. I aslo learned how to check if a domain name is available and how to register a domain name.

Thing 1.3

The information in this "thing" is helpful because it teaches you easier ways to do things on the computer and teaches you basic things you may need to know in the future for a job or just if you need to use a computer.

Thing 1.2

Thing 1.1