Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thing 17 Extra Credit

Mobile apps can change your life by helping you with daily things and staying organized. They can do anything from saving every part of your life to telling you the word of the day. They can help make your life a little more stress free. Some of the most helpful apps are
Dropbox, Evernote, Due, Tripit, Ego, Reeder, Audible, Podcaster, Pano, and where to?

Thing 17

Cell Phone Use in the Classroom

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thing 16.1


E-commerce is doing buisness over the internet. It includes online banking, trading stocks, and buying goods and services. It has become a need in modern life. Millions of people are now shopping regulary from the comfort of their homes. You can sereiously buy anything online. You never have to leave home.

  • Privecy: information must be kept from unauthorized personal.
  • Integrity: message must not be altered or tampered with.
  • Authentication: sender and recipient must prove their identities to each other.
  • Non-repudiation: proof is needed that the message was indeed received.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thing 14.3

Basic Activity- More time in between classes
1. What is the most popular car color in the parking lot?
2. Which month has the most birthdays?
3. What are the top three models of cars in the parking lot?
-Ford, Dodge, Chevy
4. Why do you think these are the most popular models?
-They are affordable and work good for this schools location.

Thing 14.2

Basic Activity- Longer Lunch

When data is organized in a chart it is much easier to decide what the data is actually telling you

Susie Smith uses her phone the most during the months of June, July, and August the most. I think the reason for this is that it is summer. In the summer you have more time to text and call and you are hanging out more so you need to get ahold of more people more often.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thing 14.1

Lucrative Lemonade

1.How often did you change your recipe?
2.What worked best on hot days?
-Lots of ice
3.What recipe was lesast successful?
-4 lemons, 4 sugars, 4 ice
4.If you were to do this again, what changes would you make?
-I would use more ice

Basic Activity-Longer school days